A new sky where ky dream, a new sky where ky love, a new sky where ky fly. Let's fly high, up above the sky... Not only enjoy the blue, but also enjoy the colourful of life!
是他搞糊涂了?还是我真的那么差?为什么一些人不懂自己在做啥,却能得到你的认可。最好笑的是,一个同学叫她做abstract却叫了draft proposal,货不对版却被接受了。而那个理应比我们更好的同学,竟然反问我们“Saya tak tahu saya buat apa pun. Jadi sekarang dia sudah approve, saya pun tak tahu apa yang patut saya buat.”
最伤人的是,他在第三封回邮的劈头第一句就说“Your abstract is terribly disappointing. It does not reflect that you have given enough thought about the topic, did not indicate you've read anything to prepare for it and you did not give this 60% assignment any priority at all. ”
Typical Capricorn, but sentimental like a Pisces. Workoholic before, but starting to learn how to enjoy her life. Although stubborn and impatient, still.